Egyptian delegation visits Faculty

A delegation of the Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, visited our Faculty from 18 – 20 July 2016. The delegation was lead by the Vice Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Prof. T. Anis, and Dr. M. Hunter, the Chairman of the Healthcare Governance and Transparency Association (HeGTA). Aim of the visit was to start a research cooperation between the Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine and the Interdisciplinary Center of Public Health (IZPH) to evaluate health technologies (Health Technology Assessment, HTA).
IZPH supports setup of health technologies
Under the leadership of the Executive Manager of IZPH, Prof. Dr. P. Kolominisky-Rabas, the center plans to support Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine with the implementation of HTA-structures and the buildup of research capacities. As the Egyptian population grows by leaps and bounds (1950: 22 millions vs. 90 millions in 2016), the expenses in the health sector have risen tremendously. By introducing HTA within the Egyptian health system, the government hopes for a more efficient use of drugs and health technologies in the health care of the Egyptian population.
Further information
Prof. Dr. P. Kolominsky-Rabas, M.B.A.
Tel.: 09131/85-35855