Four days dedicated to the kidney

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Department of Medicine 4 organizes international summer school

Around 120 scientists and physicians from different European countries, the US, and Brazil met in Erlangen from July 6 – 9th to take part in the Summer School “Translational kidney research – from physiology to clinical application“. The focus of the summer school was to contribe to the translation of research results into new treatment methods in the area of kidney disease. The group of participants ranged from medical students to highly reputed emeritus professors. The summer school was organized by the Department of Medicine 4 (Director: Prof. Dr. K.-U. Eckardt) in the frame of the DAAD-funded project TRENAL (led by Dr. F. Knauf). Additional financial support came from FAU and industry sponsors.

From physiology to clinical application

The meeting started with a welcome address by the Vice President of International Affairs of FAU, Prof. Dr. G. Leugering, who introduced FAU and its uinque positioning in the so-called Medical Valley region. Afterwards, the participants dived right into the subject. On the first two days, the speakers focused on the scientific aspects of kidney function, whereas on the last two days, the focus was on clinical questions and case discussions.

Opportunities for networking and exploring the region

Besides the scientific aspect, networking was an important element during the summer school: On the first evening, all participants were invited to a welcome reception at Orangerie where participants could meet with old collaborators and make new friends. Medical students used the opportunity to get in touch with world-leading experts. Visits to the cities of Nuremberg and Erlangen and an excursion to one of the typical beer gardens gave the international visitors a flavor of the region.

Preliminary results of the summer school include four new transnational research project ideas for doctoral students which will be addressed in the near future in the frame of TRENAL. Ideas for collaborative research projects and networks were elaborated and funding opportunities discussed.

Enthusiastic participants

The participants were highly satisfied with the event, as e.g. Prof. Dr. Carsten A. Wagner of the University of Zurich stated:

I would like to thank you again for the excellent organization and hospitality during the summer school. It was not only very well organized and interesting from a scientific point of view, but it was also very nice to meet friends and colleagues on this occasion. It would be great if this event could be continued. It is unique in the German-speaking area.

Those who were unable to participate can visit the TRENAL website for video recordings of some of the talks.