Honorary doctorate for Norbert Pelc

Tight network between Stanford University and FAU
Within the frame of the annual meeting of all full professors, Prof. Norbert J. Pelc, ScD, Stanford University, California, was conferred the degree Doktor der Medizin honoris causa (Dr. med. h.c.) in recognition of his special scientific achievements in research in the field of diagnostic imaging in physics, mathematics, and medical technology as well as in recognition of his long-standing scientific collaboration with Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
For decades, Prof. N.J. Pelc has been practicing a cross-functional cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Engineering, and several industrial partners within the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. In his laudatio, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. J. Schüttler emphasized the longstanding collaboration with the Director of the Institute of Medical Physics, Prof. Dr. W.A. Kalender, and the fruitful collaboration with the current President of FAU, Prof. Dr. J. Hornegger.
Prof. Dr. J. Hornegger stressed the outstanding networking of his American colleague (he called him the physical incarnation of interdisciplinarity) which is highly appreciated by both faculties and comprises not only scientists, but also students. In his eyes, Prof. N.J. Pelc is one of the leading experts in his field and a passionate teacher.
The event was accompanied with music played by members of the Quartett Saxsession.
Imaging links all disciplines
Prof. N.J. Pelc gave thanks for the great honor. He also emphasized the long, close, and effective collaboration with FAU and its scientists. In his presentation, he sketched the history of imaging in medicine. In his eyes, a close collaboration of engineers, physicists, and physicians is necessary to advance imaging. The collaboration between scientists and industry has to be ensured just as well. Finally, he again gave thanks for the honor bestowed.