
If a tumor is large enough to be seen using imaging techniques, then a cure is virtually impossible for particularly aggressive cancers. Many lives could be saved if we were able to detect cancer earlier. A research network searching for minute tumor markers in the bloodstream is now funded by BMBF with a total of 1.3 million euros.

Category: News, Research

Die vermehrte Ablagerung von Bindegewebe ist ein Problem bei chronischen Erkrankungen vieler Organe. Effektive Behandlungsmöglichkeiten stehen derzeit kaum zur Verfügung. Wissenschaftler aus der Medizinischen Klinik 3 haben jetzt ein molekulares Netzwerk entschlüsselt, das diese Prozesse kontrolliert und dadurch eine neue Möglichkeit für die Therapie von Organvernarbung darstellen könnte.

Category: Clinic, News, Research

Despite the tremendous advances in treating chronic inflammatory bowel diseases with medication, the chronic inflammation still cannot be kept sufficiently in check for a number of patients. Researchers at the Department of Medicine 1 have now proven that certain cells in the intestines have a key role to play in inducing acute inflammatory episodes.

Category: News, Research

A team of scientists, led by Dr. Haubensak, Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, and Prof. Hess, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, have now identified a neuronal circuit in the brain that plays an important role in anxiety and demonstrated how common psychiatric medication acts on it.

Category: News, Research

When we are infected by a virus, our body detects this attack and starts a series of defensive reactions. In collaboration with researchers at the University of Chicago, USA, a team of researchers led by Dr. F. Full and Prof. Dr. A. Ensser at the Institute of Clinical and Molecular Virology have now discovered a new defensive reaction against herpes viruses.

Category: News, Research